Friday, March 16, 2007

Active Reading Chapter 10

Aureliano Segundo is on the edge of death. He sees his son in the bathroom and names him Jose Arcadio. Fernanda del Carpio, Aureliano Segundo's wife, is a beautiful woman. Ursula doesn't support naming the child Jose because the name carries tragedy. José Arcadio Segundo and Aureliano Segundo as children loved to confuse people by switching clothes so they could not tell the difference between them. Ursula says they were odd since they could not be easily classified as a Jose or as a Aureliano. She suspects they switched identities with the other permanently once before. They did everything together, even had the same prostitute. Her name was Pera Cotes, she slept with both Decides to stay with Aureliano. This doesn't last long when Aureliano meets Frernanda. Remedios has grown to a very attractive women. Colonel Aureliano begins his life as a hermit, secluding himself making strange things.

Magical Realism: José Arcadio Segundo and Aureliano Segundo being able to read minds and that Ursula still being alive.

Theme: This chapter emphasizes the new generation and the connection of names.

Charecter Development: Remedios is the most beautiful women in town. Aureliano is becoming more like his father.

Quotes:"The women in this house are worse than mules." Aureliano Segundo expressing his frustration towards the women of the house.

"Remedios the Beauty was proclaimed queen." expressing the beauty of remedios.

1 comment:

Sean O'Connor said...

Not a "Thriller."

Your grade: F-